Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Honouring Lost Loved Ones At Your Wedding

I must apologize as it has been quite some time since my last post. I have been busy in the background working on some blogs that I will start posting. For my return I thought that I would write about something that is close to my heart. Lost loved ones and how to honor them at your wedding. This is a truly personal post as the client's wedding I talk about here was a wedding where I knew all the loved ones that had passed away. The wedding was a memorable one but was made even more memorable by the Bride and Groom's decision to make the lost loved ones a very big part of their wedding. 

For some of us we have experienced the pain of losing someone close to us. Whether it be a parent, grandparent, sibling, cousin or simply a very close friend, it is difficult. If you are planning a wedding and have experienced this you may be thinking of how you can honor the memory of this special someone on your wedding day.

There are many ways that you can honor the memory of someone. It can be as simple as having whoever is going to say the prayer at the start of dinner to include the name of the person(s) and say something special about them. You could also take the money that you budgeted for favors and make a donation in memory of your special someone to the charity that is close to your heart. This could be the Canadian Cancer Society, Heart and Stroke Foundation and Ronald McDonald House to name a few.

For a client's wedding last summer the bride and groom had 3 very special family members that had passed away. I mentioned to the bride that she can still honor them. The ceremony was being held in a backyard garden setting so I suggested that there be 3 chairs set aside for the loved ones. The Bride really liked the idea and along with the Groom we decided on a plan to remember the family members. The following is what we decided on. 

We took a plain piece of paper and printed out In Memory of and placed each one of their names on the paper. The paper was then attached to the front of the 3 chairs we set aside. The bride had the florist put together 3 roses tied with raffia for each family member the bride was honoring and then the flowers were placed on the chairs.

At the reception I placed photos of the family members on the receiving table along with the flowers that were on the chairs at the ceremony. This was an extra special touch and you certainly knew that all of them were loved and very much missed.

There are so many other ways you can honor your loves ones that have passed on. I have only named a few. If this is something that is important to you I would like to suggest that you think about a few ways you would like to honor them and see which idea you like the best and go with it.

Honoring a loved one that has passed away is such a personal thing and honoring them in your own special way is one form of personalizing your wedding. It does not remove the pain of losing them but it certainly makes you feel like they are with you on your special day.


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